The Day Part report provides average sales by day part, for the date range selected.  

Day Parts 

Day parts are chunks of time throughout the day (10:00 am-2:00 pm, 2:00-5:00 pm, etc.) and the ability to view average sales by day part allows an operator to analyze the flow of customer traffic throughout the day for their business.  

This information gives the operator the ability to plan ahead.

For example:

  • The manager at Store A is building their team schedule for the month of February
  • Their goal is to keep labor costs down while still being able to meet customer need
  • If the manager can understand what the customer flow looks like for any given period of time, they can appropriately schedule their team because they can see where the peaks and lows in customer traffic occur 
  • When viewing average sales by day part, the manager for Store A, sees that the bulk of their customer flow occurs between 2:00-5:00 pm every day, with a significant drop occurring between 9:00 pm-12:00 am
  • Using this information, the manager schedules the bulk of his team during the noted peak (2:00-5:00 pm) but adjusts down to minimal staff at the end of the day (9:00 pm-12:00 am

The Day Part report removed the guess work and allowed the manager to build their schedule and keep costs down, because they were scheduling based on what the store dictated as a need.

Day Part Report

To run the Day Part report:

  1. Select the reports iconwithin the bottom navigation
  2. Select  Day Part 
  3. Select the location icon  to select a different site to view
  4. Select the calendar icon  to change the date(s)
    • You can select up to one month at a time
  5. Select the export icon   to export the report to a .csv file or to save it as a PDF
  6. The report will provide average sales and ticket averages by day part for the date range selected