Busy Bunny allows you to manage multiple sites within your company, and there is no limit to the number of sites you can set up.
If you have more than one site within your account, your home screen will display a summary for each site within your network. Select any site to navigate to that location's schedule dashboard.
The scheduling snapshot will show the total number of employees working for that day at this particular site, the total number of hours schedule for those employees, the total number of tasks assigned to the team, and the total pay based on hours scheduled. In the following example, Gym 1 has 2 employees working for a total of 14 hours, ($231.00 in pay) and 0 tasks currently assigned.
Scheduling snapshots give you the ability to quickly view staff counts, labor costs, task totals and hours scheduled. From here you can navigate directly to any store to view additional details or to manage the schedules.
Before you start scheduling, you'll want to be sure to configure the individual site settings for each of your locations. Site settings allow you to assign employees to specific site(s), set clock in/out parameters, enable shift swaps, enable employee schedules view, etc.
Since sites behave independently of one another, you'll want to be sure that you go into each site to establish your scheduling preferences.
Should you still have questions and/or need additional assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Phone: 818.303.4166