When an assigned task is completed, it can be submitted by the employee or the manager. Additional details including an image upload can be added to a task's log by any member of the team using Busy Bunny Employee. Managers will also have the ability to reassign and/or change task status at any time.
This article will illustrate how to complete and manage task activity within Busy Bunny Manager.
Employees will have a very similar interface and experience with the goal for them to complete and log details on tasks that are assigned to them.
A manager can change the status of any task at any time. For example, if a Manager is dissatisfied with an employee's submission of a completed work, the Manager can change the task status to "pending" and reassign the task to someone else.
Select the plus icon
at any time to create a new task, delete a current task or change a task status. Click here for more information regarding task management.
Should you still have questions and/or need additional assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Phone: 818.303.4166