When an assigned task is completed, you can report it to your manager right away, along with additional details including an image upload. The ability to report and track task activity improves communication with your manager, allows you to provide additional details to support the work that you complete, and keeps you on top of any tasks that still need to be done.  

There are two types of tasks within the app:

  • Assigned tasks are tasks that have been assigned to you
    • These tasks will come directly from the site you are connected to through Busy Bunny Manager
  • Personal tasks are tasks that you create for personal tracking 
    • Personal tasks cannot be viewed by anyone else 

This article will illustrate how to access tasks, create personal tasks, and report task activity within the Busy Bunny Employee app.  

Accessing Tasks 

Task Notifications

When a new task has been assigned to you, a notification will appear over the Busy Bunny Employee app icon  on your phone to alert you. 

All task notifications (assigned and personal) will show up within the Notifications report on the app.  Click the notification icon  within the bottom navigation to access notifications. 

New notifications will be denoted by the unread icon  to the left of the message.  Your most recent notifications will be at the top of the list.  Click on any notification within the list to access additional details. 

Accessing Tasks

To access tasks:  

  1. Select the task icon  within the bottom navigation
  2. Tasks are categorized by Assigned Tasks, Personal Tasks and All Tasks 
    • Select a tab to filter the report by one of these options for the selected time period
  3. Task view defaults to current date. 
    • Select the date range to change it
  4. Select the location icon  to filter tasks by site (if applicable)
    • If you have more than one site set up within your account, you can view tasks for all sites or a single site
  5. Completed tasks will be denoted with a checkmark  to the right of the task
 Accessing a task and adding detail:

Creating Personal Tasks

To create a personal task:  

  1. Select the task icon  within the bottom navigation
  2. Select the  icon to create a personal task
  3. Click within the Task Name field to enter a task name
  4. Click within the Task Details field to enter task details 
  5. Select date(s) to apply the task to
  6. Specify a deadline (optional)
  7. Click Save

Completing Tasks

To complete a task:  

  1. Select a task from the task list
  2. Task details will be displayed within the task window
  3. Select Add Task Log to enter completed task details 
    • Select Upload Image within the task log window to upload an image
    • Any details added will be shown started with the most recent log
    • Click on a log to view uploaded images
  4. Click within the circle icon of the task itself to change the status to Completed 
  5. Confirm your selection to save
    • A green check mark will reflect completed tasks

  6. Select the arrow to navigate back to the Tasks list 

 Completing a task: