This article will take you through the process of managing, users, user permissions, and store level access, within your POS Vault account.  

Users Management

POS Vault defines a "user" as an individual with access to a POS Vault account. 

New users created within an account, can be assigned a permission level to control how much access they have when they log in.  

User Permissions

When you create your free POS Vault account, you are defined as the  Owner of the account.  

As the owner of the account, you can create additional users with varying degrees of access based on their assigned User Type (or permission level).

  Note that while any user can be deleted, the owner of an account cannot be deleted.  

Add a User

To add a user to your account:

  1. Select  Admin from the navigation menu
  2. Select
  3. Select  within the top navigation
  4. Select Add User
  5. Enter the following user details:
    • Name
    • Email Address
    • Password
  6. Select the User Type drop down option to establish permission level
  7. Select the Locale drop down option to establish your region
  8. Select the Timezone drop down option to establish your timezone 
  9. Select Save
    • Select Ok to confirm your choice 
    • The user will now appear within the list of all users set up in your account

    Store Access

    A user must be created before store access can be granted.  

    To grant a user access to a store:

    1. Select  Admin from the navigation menu
    2. Select  
    3. Select the user you wish to grant store access to
    4. Select  within the Store Access field of the user's record to select store(s)

    5. Select those stores that you wish to grant access to 

    6. Select Save and confirm your selection
      • The selected stores will now be reflected within the store access section of the user details page
    7. Select Save and confirm your selection to navigate back to the User Management screen 

    Delete User/Modify User Information 

    To deactivate a user or to modify user information:

    1. Select  Admin from the navigation menu
    2. Select 
    3. Select the employee you wish to delete or make changes for 
      • Select  within the top right navigation and Delete User to delete the user
        • Select OK to confirm your selection; or
      • Make desired edits to the record
    4. Select Save and confirm your selection to navigate back to the User Management screen 

    Need additional help?

    Should you still have questions and/or need additional assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.  

    Phone:  818.303.4166 