In a competitive and fast-moving small business market, hourly employees are a critical part of the business. Unlike managing a full-time employee, managing hourly and part-time employees is challenging and requires constant attention to ensure effective operations and to maximize labor costs.
Busy Bunny provides a straightforward, on-the-go, complete solution to manage your employee schedules and shifts. While managers can set and oversee employees and their schedules, employees will have direct access to their schedules, past shifts, and requests directly through their phone.
Busy Bunny's task management feature allows you to improve efficiency within the workplace by providing an easy, straightforward approach to managing, assigning and tracking tasks. Managers will save time managing task activity while also being able to hold employees accountable for the work that they are assigned.
Busy Bunny Manager application is for owners and managers giving access to manage employees and their schedules, that includes view to their current status and historical reports.
This guide will take you through the Busy Bunny Manager App, but to help you further as you use the application, we have placed Help Icons
throughout the application to provided you detailed information on the screen you are on.
Manager App is a mobile application that is available to download from Google Play. If you have not done so yet, click below to get started!
Once you have Busy Bunny Manager application installed on your device, you can register as a new user or log in, if you are currently registered as a Busy Bunny Manager user.
If this is your first time using Busy Bunny, we recommend checking out our Getting Started document.
Contact us via email at com so we can help!
Thank you again for partnering with us, and please don’t hesitate to contact us should you have questions or need any additional assistance.
Phone: 818-303-4166Email: