The ability to save schedules allows a manager to create schedules that can be finalized and shared at a later date.  

While a manager can make changes to any schedule that has already been finalized, the ability to create a schedule that can be modified before it is finalized, allows a manager to review and account for potential disruptions ahead of time.  

Since there is no limit to the number of saved schedules that can be created, a manager can plan ahead and then save time by simply making small adjustments before finalizing a schedule.  

This help document will take through the process for saving and finalizing schedules. 

Saving Schedules

Each time you create a schedule, you will have the option to:

  • Save Only - Temporarily saves the schedule as a working schedule that can be finalized at any time; or
  • Save & Finalize - Saves the schedule and shares it immediately with relevant employees

  Note that only finalized schedules will be included in labor metrics.  Click here for more information on Reporting.

When you save a schedule, the schedule icon on your dashboard will change from  to   indicating that you have saved schedules.  

Dashboard View

  • Select Unfinalized Schedule to view a list of unfinalized schedules for the selected time period.
    Click on a schedule to view shift details and/or to make changes.
    From here you'll have the option to Save, or Save & Finalize, the schedule.

Saving a Schedule 

  1. Create a schedule by selecting the plus iconfrom the dashboard
  2. Enter schedule details
  3. Select Save Only 
    • This saves the schedule only
    • Saved scheduled will not be shared until they have been finalized
    • Saved schedules can be finalized at any time
    • Save & Finalize will save the schedule and send it out to relevant employees

  Click here for more information on Creating Schedules.

Finalizing Saved Schedules

You will have the ability to finalize a single schedule, or multiple schedules, at one time.

To finalize a schedule:

  1. Select the schedule icon  from the dashboard
    • The default is set to display all unfinalized schedules 
    • Click on the calendar icon to modify the date range
    • Select a schedule to view and/or to modify details for
  2. Click on those schedules that you want to finalize

  3. Once you have finished your selections, click Finalize Selected

  4. Finalized schedules will be immediately shared to relevant employees

Need additional help?

Should you still have questions and/or need additional assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.  

Phone:  818.303.4166 